C Scow Skirted Mooring Cover

Skirted Mooring Cover (SMO)

Full deck over-boom cover with heavy duty nylon zipper running from the mast to sidestay. A flap snaps over zipper to protect zipper from damaging UV. Stand up mast collar with drawcord closure. Flaps that snap around stays protect chain plates from water seepage and shade deck from UV discoloring in the stay areas. Cover "cups" around and under the bow and forward under the transom. There are webbings on the outside of the cover to tie down middle of cover to trailer or to lift to prevent any puddling. Large screen at aft end plus vent over front deck allows for flow though ventilation. Reinforcements at gooseneck just behind mast collar, at end of boom, over all standard-class protruding cleats and eyes, and back corners of boat. Exceptionally good UV protection for sails left flaked over boom during mooring. Has a skirt to protect the sides, transom, and bow from fading or chalking in the sunlight. Skirt has velcro closures under the sidestays and backstays with plunger buckles to hold secure. Shock cord in the hem prevents skirt from flapping. Zipper closure at center of bow zips from rubrail and runs down under the bow.

NOTE: In order to assure best fit, please fill out these measurements, and email or fax it along with your order. C Scow Measurement Form PDF

Available Options: Fabric | Color | Monogram
Price: $766.00
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