Manufacturing and stocking over 250 One Design Sailboat covers and accessories since 1972.

Other cover makers have copied our ideas but have left out the details that give you the long lasting durability you get with THE SAILORS' TAILOR Inc. brand name.

With our Teflon® thread, proprietary fabric, extra reinforcements, unique designs, and 20 point check, your Sailors’ Tailor cover is designed to last 8-10 years even if trailed at 70 mph!(While the industry norm is only 5 years.)

9 Things to Look Out for When Buying a Boat Cover

And why our covers last a lot longer than most of our competitors. See chart below.
The Sailors’ Tailor Inc.
Our Competitors
We use PTFE Teflon® thread coated with Teflon®, for outstanding chemical and UV resistance which will not be damaged by exposure to sunlight, weather, or water. Designed to last as long as the fabric.
Most of our competitors use chemically stripped polyester thread which deteriorates in UV and needs to be restitched every 2 to 3 years. Why? Because PTFE is 5 times more expensive to buy and takes special machinery to sew.
Our covers are made with a unique, special made Vinyl like double-coated Poly Army Duck Fabric exclusively made for us, which is able to withstand trailering or top quality acrylic materials designed for optimal longevity.
Boat cover fabrics need to keep rain out, yet still breath to allow trapped moisture to escape. They also need to be UV, mildew-resistant, have good tensile strength, and abrasion resistance is especially important if trailering. Our competitors usually don't have materials that perfectly meet all these requirements like we do.
We use Flat-Felled seams double stitched through 4 layers. Double needle lock stitched flat-felled seams leave no edges to fray and seal water out better than other types of seams. They are generally found on heavy weight fabrics such as jeans where extra strength is needed.
Our competitors often just use traditional single or chain stitched seams through 2 layers of cloth. This type of overlapped cloth seams sewn with a zigzag stitch materials to fray, are not as strong, and allow driving rain to run right through.
Our hems along the bottom edge of the cover are double-folded hems stitched through 3 layers.
We find competitors just turned-up singe folded hems stitched through 2 layers. 2 Layers not as strong as 3.
We use heavy duty nylon zippers don’t scratch the boat and protect them from harsh UV with cover material flaps.
Other covers have metal zippers which rust and become difficult to operate over time and sometimes which are 100% exposed to the sun and elements.
Compare how covers close up around the mast, stays, and zippers. We use stand-up flaps that actually snap closed. The flaps hide and protect chain plates and zippers from water seepage and damaging UV and the snaps hold much better than velcro.
Others do not have flaps and leave gaping opening for a loose fit. They also use velcro closure that sounds good, until you find it quickly quits "sticking" after grass and debris get stuck in it and the sun's UV dries out velco in only a year.
Sailors' Tailor uses a heavier 5/16” elastic shock cord in the hem AND draw cord tie downs to secure the cover on the boat.
Other, only use tie downs or cotton draw cord to hold the cover on.
Our tie-down points are soft webbing loops which will not scratch or harm your hull.
Watch out for competitors' covers where tie-down points that are grommets that scratch the boat.
Around the mast we sew a stand-up mast collar with draw cord closure at the top.
Others just have a split opening that allows rainwater to stream down the mast.