
Custom Monograms made to order! 

We take pride in the quality of out monogramming. Ours are not stick-on monograms. Sailors' Tailor monograms are satin-stitched right onto the product. Monograms look sharp, provide I.D. and prevent loss. Monogram useful boating gear for trophies and watch for sheer delight at presentation time!

Since the monograms can be done in a range of sizes, they can be sewn onto polo shirts, duffle bags, boat covers and sail bags. Prices depend upon quantity to be done, size of monogram, and number of colors.

Monogram Size?
We try to make the monogram as big as we can fit in our 12 x 12 hoop.
On covers we put the monogram over the foredeck just in front of the mast.
Done in a contrasting color. Most are done in black as it holds its color the best.

Examples of some of our monograms

Add a monogram to your order!

Click to Add a Monogram
Click to Add a Monogram w/Class Symbol

Examples of some Class Symbols:

Fonts Available :

470 Sailboat symbolBuccaneer Sailboat symbol
Sample of Script 2 font
Script 2
Butterfly Sailboat symbolC Scow Sailboat symbol
Sample of Script 3 font
Script 3
Flying Scot Sailboat symbolFD Sailboat symbol
Sample of Block Upper and Lower font
Block U/L
Hampton One Design Sailboat symbolIC Sailboat symbol
Sample of Black Caps font
Block Caps
MC Scow Sailboat symbolJY 15 Sailboat symbol
Sample of Chancery Font
National One Sailboat symbolWindmill Sailboat symbol
Sample of Hobo font
Sunfish Sailboat symbolStar Sailboat symbol
Sample of Old English Font
Old English
Rhodes 19 Sailboat symbolThistle Sailboat symbol
Sample of Blacklight font
Snipe Sailboat symbolY Flyer Sailboat symbol
Sample of KIds Print font
Kids Print
Interlake Sailboat symbolJet 14 Sailboat symbol

Sample of Easy Script font
Easy Script

Lightning Sailboat symbolForce 5 Sailboat symbol
Daysailer Sailboat symbolHighlander Sailboat symbol
» Monogram
Sail Cover Mongram

Turn ordinary into extraordinary by dressing your sail cover up with a rich looking monogram.

Monogram w/Symbol

Class Symbol & Characters

